Gemma Burditt: Future Landscapes

The Gymnasium Gallery  |  Until 24 October 2021

The agricultural landscape of Britain shapes our soils, waters, biodiversity and is part of the nation’s emotional identity. In the light of our exit from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the impending climate crisis, how we use and value land is likely to change dramatically in the next decade.

Illustrator and animator Gemma Burditt has worked with 6 land-based businesses in Northumberland over a two year period to create a portrait of this changing landscape. How will these communities adapt to these pressing events and how will this affect both their relationship with the landscape and the physical nature of the land itself?

Future Landscapes was commissioned by Maltings with support from Newcastle University’s Centre for Rural Economy and Institute for Creative Arts Practice.

Gemma Burditt – Future Landscapes. Image by Colin Davison