Berwick Film Society: Nezouh

Main House Theatre  |  Until 25 September 2024



A film set in present-day Damascus might be presumed bleak, but not so in this often upbeat and imaginative story of  a family’s life among their besieged and dwindling community.

Young Zeina and her mother Hala want to leave, but husband Mutaz won’t countenance it, not wishing his family to experience the uncertainty of being displaced with nowhere to live. Zeina meanwhile is distracted by the charms of  teenage neighbour Amer, who plans to become a journalist and creates for Zeina a magical escape into her dreams. 

An unexpectedly beautiful film created by its Damascan director which, amidst the surrounding debris, shines sunlight through the roof chasms and lights up the night with stars, offering symbolic glimmers of hope even in times of extreme man-made hardship.  


Syria, UK, France 2022 | Dir: Soudade Kaadan

Cast: Hala Zein, Kinda Alloush, Samer al Masri

Language:Arabic,  (English subtitles) 

Awards: 6 wins, 7 nominations

“Brimming with wonderful surrealist ideas… and treading a tragi-comic line, Nezouh conveys to perfection the dilemma involved in deciding whether to stay or to leave…and the difficulties involved in breaking with patriarchy’s dominance in society” 
Fabien Lemercier, Cineuropa